Week Seven AND Eight

Well here I am posting two weeks at a time again. I just don’t know where the time goes! Taking care of Ella certainly takes more time than I could have ever imagined, however, I am cherishing every minute of it. The past two weeks have been pretty quiet in the our household. The weather has been great so we have been spending a lot of time outside. Ella loves the outdoors, so we take multiple walks a day! The weekend before last we took her to Harper’s Ferry, which is about 10 minutes from our house. It was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun. The next day was in the 80’s and our neighbors had us over for a BBQ, Ella ended up having so much fun she passed out in her carrier (see picture below).

Easter was last Sunday and we had a wonderful day! Ella got all dressed up for church and was very well behaved (as she always is in church). The rest of the day was just spent relaxing and enjoying some good food.

On Monday, Ella turned TWO months. I seriously can’t believe she is already two months. The second month FLEW by!! As you can see by the pictures she is growing like a weed. This month has been much more enjoyable, because she is starting to have a personality. She smiles ALL the time (except for when skyping), and coos a lot. I am going to try to attach a video of her talking like crazy on her mama roo (it gets good around 40 seconds), hopefully it works!

Our best friends from Grand Rapids come on Friday and we are SO excited to see them! The weather is suppose to be beautiful, so we are hoping to enjoy the outdoors! Well until next week (I promise)…






Week five AND six

I did not achieve my goal of posting every week, so this post includes the past two :). Ella is starting to be awake much more during the day, which means I am busy playing with her not playing on my Ipad. She is starting to really develop a personality, she is sweet and cuddly. She does get angry, but it is usually only when she needs something or is overly tired. She is still getting up every two to three hours at night, but sleeps between feedings, so I can’t really complain.

We had a great visit with Aunt Rachel and Leo! We went grocery shopping, went to the mall, and just hung out. You won’t see any pictures of Leo and Ella together (Rachel has one on her camera that I need to get) because Leo had a cold, so for the most part we kept them apart. Ella loved the time she got to spend with Aunt Rachel and we can’t wait to see them again in May.

Last week was spent taking walks, playing, and napping together. I have six more weeks of maternity leave so I am just trying to soak in every second. I love spending the day with her and am going to miss her dearly when I have to go back to work.

Our next guests, Steve and Rachael, arrive April 25th. We are SO excited to see them and for them to meet Ella. Josh’s Birthday is the 30th and Rachael’s Birthday was the day before Ella’s, so we will be celebrating them both!

Here are some pictures from the past two weeks…



One Month

Ella is officially one month old. I don’t know if it’s just us, but we have a great sense of accomplishment for making it to this milestone! I know it’s only four weeks, but my how life has changed. I do have to say Ella makes it pretty easy! This week was the first week that Ella and I were by ourselves all week. It went very well, and we’ve started to establish somewhat of a routine. Ella is getting much more interactive, we busted out her play mat this week and she loved it. She is really starting to notice her surroundings and it’s so cool to watch! We had another “play date” at Ruby’s house this week. Ruby’s Mom, Annde, is an awesome photographer and took these beautiful pictures….


On Friday, I took some pictures to remember Ella’s one month Birthday. It was a little more challenging than I thought it would be. But I got a couple good ones….

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Well, that is all I have for this week. We are SO excited for Aunt Rachel and Leo to get here on Monday!!! Here are some of our favorite photos this week to leave you with…

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Week Three

Ella is three weeks old! She had an exciting week of “firsts”… The temperature reached 70 on Tuesday so Ella got to go on her first walk! She enjoyed it for about ten minutes then screamed bloody murder while I hurried back to the house. We tried it again on Wednesday and she did much better, we got a full mile in and she slept the entire time. She also got to meet a new friend, our neighbor Ruby. Ruby is 4 weeks older than Ella and cute as can be. Ruby has two older siblings and Ella enjoyed watching them play, their house is much more exciting than ours! Ella also got her first real bath this week (we have been washing her these past few weeks, just not submerging her in water :)), you will notice there are no pictures and that is because she HATED it. She screamed so loud, Josh and I quickly washed her and got her out of there ASAP! I tried it again on Wednesday (after a full feeding) and she did much better. I can’t say she enjoyed it, she had a worried face for most of it, but she didn’t scream. Unfortunately, I couldn’t capture this either since I was home by myself. On Tuesday night Ella got her first bottle from Daddy, boy did she enjoy it (even though it was only 1 oz)!  Ella got to meet her Baba  and Dedo for the first time This week! Baba came on Wednesday and Ella spent much of Thursday and Friday sleeping on her. Dedo got here on Saturday and was very excited to meet his first grandchild. Our next visitors will be Aunt Rachel and cousin Leo, and we couldn’t be more excited!!

Here are some of our favorite pictures from the week..



Week Two

Ella had her first visitors this week, Grandma and Grandpa came to visit! They were thrilled to meet her and she got some great bonding time with both. We didn’t do too much, Ella has her days and nights a little mixed up so most of our days were spent holding her and watching HGTV:). We ventured out today for my doctors appointment and stopped by my work. Everyone loved meeting Ella, and she loved meeting them :).

Here are some highlights from the week…


We received a ton of cards and gifts this week, so thank you for all the kind words and cute clothes! Ella has another exciting week coming up as she will meet her Baba and Dedo (Josh’s parents) for the first time.

Until next week,

The Buck Family


Welcome to our blog all about our newest family member, Ella Margaret. Since we have family and friends living across the country that all want to hear about this little girl, I thought this would be a great way! I’m hoping to post once a week and give an update of the weeks happenings!

This week has been very monumental, Ella was born! After 29 hours of labor, she arrived on 02/21/14 at 1:01 pm weighing 8 lbs 2.6 oz. Here are some of our first few moments with her.


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Since Ella and I were healthy we got to go home the next day! Josh had the next few days off, so we got some good quality time as a family of three. We ventured out twice, once to go to her doctor’s appointment and once to get her newborn pictures. She did pretty good in the car, but both places were pretty close by.  Here are some of our favorite pictures of the week…


Ella truly is a gift from God, and Josh and I feel truly blessed. We thank you all for your love and support and we hope you enjoy watching Ella grow.

Until next week,

The Buck Family

Welcome to the world!
